Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Scrabble Tiles

My family LOVES to play Scrabble. Just one game is never seems right so we tend to play till we see Scrabble tiles when we close our eyes at night.
I found that we actually have managed to have a few games of it in the cupboard. You can only play one at a time though so I thought I would take the spare tiles and see what creative spark ignited within me!!!
I have been slowly gathering the different pieces I need to start playing. I am so very excited to share what has been created with you soon....very soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Mom & grandma played scrabble for hours, up to my grandma's age of 92, then she passed. I have all those pcs and treasure them. One of these days I want to make my Mom something special with some of those pcs~~~
