Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, August 11, 2008

Smores..... sorta

While my nieces were home on vacation, we wanted to make Smores! My mother and grandmother had never had them before. How that happened we have no clue as both my sister and I love them! LOL Well we kept having rainy weather and not able to make a campfire in the backyard. They were going to be returning home in the next few days so we thought outside the box! LOL
I got a plate out and placed 3 tealights on it to use as our campfire. Little wooden skewers were used to hold the marshmallows and the fun began.
We just had to remind the girls a few times to not swing around so quickly with their marshmaoolw on fire....cause we didn't want it to fling across the kitchen onto the curtains! LOL
YUM! Mom and Gram thought they were super yummo!

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