Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

and more snow continues to fall

Alright, I know that I live in Canada and that we have a winter season but this really has gotten out of hand. I love the way the snow coats the trees in the backyard. The footprints of deer and rabbit flitting all around. Its beautiful and calming.....but now needs to be over.

I ache for green grass.
Flowers opening wide to showcase their delicate hues.

I want to put the shovels away. The tractor to have the chains off the tires and dirt fresh plowed on its blade.

Heck.... I'd even settle for a few days of just SUNSHINE right now, Mother Nature. Is that really asking too much?


Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door and Thru the Attic Door 2

1 comment:

Hycie said...

I live in Washington DC and after our litte "Snowpocalypse," all we long for nowadays is the peeking of a couple of cherry blossoms soon :)

Oh winter. I love the season, but just can' wait to plough out of this one soon :D