Pinch me because I still can hardly believe I'm part of this incredible magazine.
Months ago, I was doing my usual routine of checking email and saw one from someone I didn't know. I thought *scam* right away as they were asking me to take part in a new magazine coming out. How many magazines contact YOU to take part, right?
The next day, there was another email saying the same thing. I thought to myself...hmmmm.....bit odd for scammer to email again right away. What harm will it do to look further into this?
Stampington & Company were creating a new magazine focused on primitives and they were interested in my creations. Jennifer Jackson(Managing Editor and Art Management Supervisor) had found me on Flickr while researching.
Jennifer was such an incredible woman to deal with thru this whole process. She answered all my questions and there were an number of them. I'd never done anything like this before.
She told me which of my primitive creations she had found on my Flickr that interested them for the magazine. I had to recreate two of them as they were already sold pieces.
Boxed them up and crossed my fingers to see which of the 3 creations were chosen.
HOLY NOODLE....all 3 of them were. You can not imagine the amount of "happy dancing" that went on after reading that email from Jennifer. I may have started the pinching then.
When my copy of Prims arrived....I was blown away!
The quality of this magazine is so high. The photography of each person's creations is stunning. Some pieces just left me speechless. I found myself slowly pouring over each page, drinking in the smallest of details.
I have gotten nothing but astounding feedback from folks who saw my article in the magazine. I've become better friends with a few of the unbelievable talented artisans also showcased in Prims. What a bonus that has turned out to be.
Thank you so much Stampington & Company, Jennifer Jackson and other staff for finding me and then believing I would be an asset to this magazine
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door and Thru the Attic Door2