Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, December 22, 2013

One Word for 2014

Everyone starts talking this time of the year about what they want to have happen in 2014. New Year resolutions are posted and fully pushed for the first few weeks of January. Long lists are made so you can take a fat marker and cross things off. Weight loss. Make more time for family and friends. Do more around the house. Etc Etc Etc
The excitement starts to wan and then the next thing you know, it's mid June and you are beyond frustrated with yourself for having done none of the resolutions.You let yourself believe that you'll just make a new list the beginning of the next year.


This year I am taking a different approach to 2014 and the things I want to happen.
I'm not sitting down writing a long list.
I'm choosing ONE WORD

I first read about this concept while reading Kelly Rae's blog a little while ago and then she just wrote about getting ready to chose her new word for 2014.

She learned about the concept HERE.

When I read this one paragraph....

" What do you do with this one little word?
You live with it. You invite it into you life. You let it speak to you. You might even follow where it leads. There are so many possibilities."

My soul whispered for me to search my word out.
I started writing words down. Seeing them written in black and white.
Truly allowing myself to research, discover,  feel the emotions attached to them.
They all spoke to me but I needed to allow myself to listen.
When I closed my mind off from everything else, which whispered the strongest to my soul.

I found it.


I was giddy with excitement.
This word is already pushing me.

Expand in my ways of thinking.
Expand my business in new avenues that I might not have dared to attempt before.
Expand on my education with more art courses; courses on a number of different concepts.
Expand my love of food a bit further.
Expand on how I interact with my family and friend.
Expand in my interact with my husband.
I want to watch a different "me" unfold.

Allow myself to amplify what I already like about myself.
Broaden my love of reading.
Give myself permission to share more authentically then before.
To expand the world I share already with no strings attached or fear.

Do you chose a "word"for 2014?
Have you picked it out?
Sit down and allow yourself this joy.
This release on the pressure that a long list of resolutions can bind around you.

One word.