Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Break out the FireCrackers! I am JOINING FOA!!!!

So this has got to be one of the most inspirational websites I have ever had the fun of stumbling across! The talent level is thru the roof and with my typical style...... I am jumping in with both feet! LOL Goodness I hope I am up for the challenge!

If you love the look of Primitives then this is a website that you just have to check out!
I am going to be taking part in what is known as FOA2....... my goodies will be added in the middle of each month. Busting butt here right now crafting some new gals to showcase there for the first time! heehee
(I could have opted for FOA1 which would have had to be the beginning of each month but i write too many articles that are needed around that time frame! LOL)

The gals there have opened their arms to me so wide. So many of them have inspired me and don't even know it. I had been a lurker for quite a while and just used to sit back in awe. Now I pinch myself cause I call them my friends!
They are all working on some amazing autumn creations right now!
My all time fave season of course! I am squeeling with delight!

So make sure to check me out at really soon!


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