Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, July 22, 2005

Swimming hole

This is the best spot to go swimming!
I am making sure my bathing suit is packed this weekend and hopefully we'll all head here to get cool!

Its off the main road and into the woods a bit. I have been swimming here and seen deer come down to drink from the waters edge.

Also arrived to swim once after dinner and we found a fair size beaver swimming around!!!!!!!! LOL



Anonymous said...

Hi Cedara,
I was poking around your blog, I just love reading it! I thought this was the most beautiful swimming hole I've ever seen! You write beautifully, take the best pictures, and your dolls are wonderful! Thanks for sharing your talents.

Tracy of From Inside My Studio said...

Thanks for the kind words Marcy.
So happy to hear you are enjoying hte blog articles:)
Hope you'll keep coming back!