Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, June 30, 2008

Friends on Facebook

When I happened to stumble across this cartoon I laughed so hard! I am on Facebook and am one of many that LOVES being on it. It took me awhile and a number of invites from some friends before I started. I just didn't want to devote time to yet another place online. Little did I know the sheer joy it would bring me.
I have managed to find so many wonderful friends from my past. Just when I think I've "found" everyone that I could think of....someone else seems to walk out of my past. I am not a fan of all the crazy applications that can very quickly take over your page if you aren't careful. I don't need to be a cyber vampire or pirate etc.
My joy comes from seeing their albums of snapshots showing me glimpses into their lives again after so many years. I love the writing quick messages on the walls.
I have even created my own "Facebook Page" dedicated to my website!
It was very easy to set up and folks can become "fans" of my website.
I share snapshots and let everyone know some of the latest things happening with the website.
Come become a FAN of Thru the Attic Door!
I'd love to hear from you!

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