Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Attack of the Dust Bunnies

WOW.....its kinda funny how you think a place isn't quite as dirty as it is until you start cleaning and then the mountain of dust bunnies that start rolling around attacking your feet! I thought I would do a massive cleaning of my crafting space ( the corner of my bedroom that I use) so as to distract me from my grief. I am about half way thru and sooo tired! LOL How have I managed to let so much small clutter just pile up and take over that corner?! LOL
I found 2 pieces of fabric that I so thought I'd used that was a fun discovery. I think they will be the first things I craft with once I uncover my sewing machine again.
Hopefully that will happen tomorrow! LOL

Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door and Thru the Attic Door 2

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