I'm going to give you a few moments to go and BOOKMARK that blog.
Not even 100% sure how I managed to stumble across her blog that first time. Blog jumping I'm sure. (Its how I find most of the blogs I like to read on a regular basis now)
The style that she writes.....struck a cord with me.
I was laughing out loud for real.
I have been known to QUOTE her to friends! haha
I told my closest friends about her blog...... and now we all having this running joke amongst ourselves about a guy on a pony with chocolate cake and lots of vodka being drank.
Go read her blog....you'll understand ;)
Her blog is not for the faint of heart. She really shoots right from her hip and tells things straight up. She is even known to swear. If you are looking for some serious laughter though..... be ready....you will spend the whole evening reading every post she's ever made.