Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, January 14, 2010


My silly addiction to Facebook is still as strong as it was. Most mornings I can curb things to a quick peek to see status updates and the odd photo.
Then there are days that hours escape me and all I've been doing is writing on walls, making comments on photos of folks I've hardly seen in years and playing a zillion games of Lexulous.

I will say that it has managed to help me forge some incredible connections and rekindled friendships with a number of people. I love that aspect.......just wish I could add a few more hours to my day to play more Lexulous! heehee

Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door and Thru the Attic Door 2


Unknown said...

It is so true, especially at school reunions ... LOL.

New Book,"Facebook Addiction: The Life & Times of Social Networking Anonymous"

More Info:

Mary said...

From one facebook addict to another, LOL.

I have a primitive valentine blog giveaway going on. Be sure to drop by and enter to win. :o)

WillowRidge Primitives