Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, June 05, 2005

~~Even when it rains....we will BarBq ~~

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Spending the weekend at Eric's place pretty much guarentees me that "IT" is going to happen. NO! I am not talking about "that"! LOL I am talking about going to the store and picking up whatever pieces of meat look good and bringing them back to his place to be cooked up on the BarBq! We don't put the BArBq away for parts of the year....that guy will stand out in the snow and grill meat! LOL
We had steak done last night and tonight we are having pork! My mouth is watering at just the meer thought of it! So to get your taste buds going to.....thought I'd share!

Blackberry BBQ Sauce

1/2 C. blackberry preserves
1 1/2 C. ketchup
1/8 C. packed brown sugar
1/8 t. cayenne pepper
1/4 t. mustard powder
2 T. red wine vinegar
In a medium mixing bowl, mix together blackberry jam, ketchup, brown sugar, cayenne, mustard powder, and red wine vinegar.
Marinade the pork for at least 3 hours and then use the marinade to baste while cooking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THERES MY MOOSE!! :D Was wondering where it went!! ;) Thanks for the recipe!! I will have to try it on you know what!!! HEHEHE