Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Flowers from my "Zen Garden"

Wanted to share some "flowers" that have come to bloom in my Zen Garden.
Beginning to really believe that if you put forth good energy that good energy comes back to you even stronger. Negative energy blocks out the warmth of good energy!

~ The dolls that I created to be in FOA....... I showed a few to get some feedback on them.
ONE SOLD! She hasn't even been listed yet and already I got an email asking for her.
I am boxing her up today and taking her to the PO to be weighed so I can send an invoice for payment.

~ was contacted to send some doll samples to go "on tour" to some craft shows happening in the Ohio area. My dolls will help promote my own website but also represent Primmart and Mercantile Gathering magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been walking on clouds over this!

My Zen garden has so many wonderful bright flowers blooming all around me!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell us more about this Ohio Tour where you will be representing primmart and the magazine!