Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I'll take mine buttered with onion salt please

Ever notice that as soon as you smell just have to have some?
My goodness I was all the way upstairs and I heard the microwave beep....then this waft of popcorn heaven slinked up the stairs and right under my nose!
I am an Orville popcorn kinda gal:)
Love a big ol' bowl with onion salt sprinkled. Curled up in my chair. Covered with a blanket and a good book from the library to bury my nose in.

Mmmmmmm popcorn!


1 comment:

Taracotta said...

I'm an orville girl too. LOL Nothing better...sprinkle mine with salt and vinegar or dill pickle popcorn spice and I'm in heaven. I must go and make some popecorn now.....LOL
