Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, September 24, 2005

This is a good one!

Grasp the ball in place with your inner calves and ankles.
Slowly bring the ball down; keeping your legs straight!
Your butt will lift off the ground .
Hold there and count to 5.
Bring it slowly back up.
Repeat 10 times!


Reading anything good?

Have you been reading anything good? I usually like to go spend an afternoon at the library this time of the year. Must make that trip soon.

I have been busy reading the tutorial that came with Dreamweaver but I doubt that counts as a "good read" LOL


Autumn Drinks

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Thought I'd share some fun Autumn and "halloween" drinks for you to make up and sample with your friends. After a few of these, I'm sure you'll have a bewitching time! LOL

~Black Cat~

1 1/4 oz. black-cherry liqueur

3 oz. cranberry juice

3 oz. cola

Combine ingredients in an ice cube-filled

black-stemmed goblet.

Garnish with orange quarter and maraschino cherry.

~ Witchypoo~

3/4 oz. Godiva Dark Chocolate Liqueur

3/4 oz. Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur

3/4 oz. green creme de menthe

3/4 oz. vodka

Dust martini glass with cocoa power.

Combine ingredients in shaker. Shake and strain.

~Smashing Pumpkin (Shots)

1/3oz Kahlua
1/3oz Bailey's Irish cream
1/3 oz Goldschlager

Shoot em back and SPIN!

Prim Blessings!


Need some tips on being Creative???

My friend Robin started a blog that I want you all to go and check out!
She has such a way with words that you best not have a mouthful of coffee while reading.
You'll need to clean up! LOL
She is so funny and i love reading her blog. She is just new to it but the entries she has done are fantastic.

Then on top of that.....she is talented in other ways as well!
OMG! You have to see her prim stuff...... what a talent!
Stop by and you will be amazed!
Tell her Cedara sent ya! heehee

Prim Blessings!

You know them as "PCAD"

If you have spent any amount of time on Ebay, then you have seen PCAD before.
It stands for Primitive Crafters and Designers.
I am blessed to know quite a few of the ladies that are part of this wonderful group and I want to shout it loud for everyone to hear.......
they have their own website now!!!!!!!!!

These are wonderful and talented ladies and you do not want to miss what they have been busy creating for you. Scoot over and check them out.
They are even running a contest right now! Play and win an awesome prize!

All the best ladies!

Prim Blessings!

A Lost Art ..........

A handwritten letter is becoming more and more a lost art form.
Thought I'd share some of my fave simple ways to make them special and fun again.

Scented ink can add a delicate hint of "you" to your personal correspondence, a fragrance that will hit the air as soon as the envelope is opened and get the person thinking of you as they read your words.

Some different ways to scent ink!

1/2 oz (15g) dried lavender flowers
6 tbsp water
1 small bottle ink

Crush the lavender and put into a small saucepan along with the water.
Bring to a boil. Simmer for about 30 minutes or until
there's about 2 tablespoons brown, opaque liquid remaining.
Strain well, pressing down hard.
Mix the liquid with the ink.
Keep the bottle of ink in the fridge to last longer.
Bring it to almost room temperature before writing with.
Good for a few months.

Simply add a couple drops of your favorite
essential oil or oil blend to each milliliter of ink
(that's about 30 drops per ounce).
When the letter is folded and sealed,
the scent will intensify in the envelope.

Scented inks are best used with calligraphy pens or fountain pens of course.
If you don't wish to take that up as a form of can always scent your paper

The easiest way of sending a scent is to simply put a drop of essential oil on the corner of your writing paper. Be careful not to get it on the ink, though, or it may run.
Another method is to thoroughly scent your entire box of stationery before you even begin writing.
Choose a paper or material that is absorbent-blotting paper, tissue, cotton or gauze, for example. Put it into one-inch squares and place one or two drops of your favorite oil or oil blend on each square. Place the squares in different places in your box of stationery (put your envelopes in the box too), between the papers. Close the box and leave for a day or two - to allow the fragrance to penetrate the pages - before using.

Alter the scents for the moods you wish to express in your notes!
Holiday scents!
Springtime florals!
Autumn and pumpkin pies!
Oh you will have so much fun making these and your friends will get an added bonus when you write them.

Hand writing letters is quickly becoming a lost art. Lets bring it back!


Speaking of mail.....ENVELOPES

I know you aren't going to want to admit this.....but you know you have way too many catalogues and magazines laying around the house, right?! Sit down and go thru them.
Keep what you really really need to have.
NO! That isn't ALL OF THEM!

Now with what is left....let's get creative and have some fun!
Some magazines are a bit tougher to use because they have text all over. But with some time and a good eye, you'll be spotting great pieces to use to create some cool funky envelopes.
(I use Country Living alot! and even old calendars!)

Take a regular envelope and open it all up. You are going to use this to make a template.
Trace it carefully onto a thick piece of cardboard.
Cut it out and score the edges where it will need to be folded back up.

You have gone thru the magazines and found some fantastic pictures to use.
Take your template and trace onto the BACK of the image you want.
Carefully cut the envelope out and score the edges.
You can use a good quality glue stick or even double sided tape to close the envelope.

Go to your local Staples store or such and pick up some white labels.
Attach this in the center of your envelope to write the address on and


Prim Blessings!

We all love mail!

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Was going thru some old family photos and came across this one of my father! I loved it! He is putting out their mail bag in hopes that a letter from his grandmother in England would arrive.
Did anyone else have "mail bags" while growing up?

Prim Blessings!

Fighting with me all day :(

Don't you just hate when that happens?!
You finally get in the mood to create( or write) and everything keeps going wrong.
I have been trying to write in this blog all morning and add pictures and it keeps shutting me down! ACHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Going to try another route for the pictures and see if i can't get this blog smoking today! LOL

Prim Blessings!

Not sure how it happened.......

But the whole month of September just flew right passed me!
Just like poof! We were having the last few sunny days of summer and next thing all the leaves are changing.
Not really a complaint though because I love this time of year.
Love the colors on the trees.
Love the way the air is almost crisp.
Love to wear a warm sweater and snuggle on the sofa.
(Ok so I like to snuggle on the sofa anytime of the year but in the middle of summer is too hot!)


Friday, September 09, 2005

Feedback! :)

First I want to say THANK YOU to Cheryl and to Charlene.

Out of the blue...I heard from them. They read my blog. They get my newsletter from my website. They both dropped me a quick email to say hello. Now i have heard from them a few times and its great to share things with them! OXXO
I couldn't stop smiling! It felt so good to hear from someone that I didn't know but had yet somehow connected with.
I can't say it enough.....FEEDBACK is FANTASTIC!


The Country Life

Let me just start by saying that!

I was on the Primmart forums one evening and in the "welcome" section.
A new face was there and I thought I knew the name.
"Gail Eads" kept ringing a bell in my mind.LOL

I welcomed her and so did a few other folks to Primmart. I went to her website and knew right away why the name ran a bell. I had been seeing her paintings in different magazines and LOVED them!

She has become a great little member of the Primmart community.
She creates the most wonderful things that you just have to go and check out.
Soon as she created a hang tag with a black and white know I had to own them!
They arrived in pdf form and I have been having so much fun creating tags for my creations!

Stop by and tell her Cedara sent ya!XO


Brown Bunny Patch

To help me focus again on the things that needed to get done....I placed a tart in my tart burner.
Denise had made some for me and it was so AWESOME!
My whole room smelled like maple sticky buns! The scent wafted out the bedroom door and down the stairs....ohhhhhhh it was even in the kitchen!

If you are ever in the need for some awesome smelling tarts and candles.....Denise is the gal to contact!She was quick and so wonderful to deal with. I had a special order and she took care of me beyond well.


Antique pictures

Been going thru a bunch of the old family photographs. Scanner has been working overtime.
I am going to be creating my own graphics for the new website.
There are so many different programs to play around with.
The different effects keep changing my focus! LOL

Got out a journal (Not surprised are ya?!)and started writing and sketching some ideas down.
What the look is that I want.
The feel of the different buttons.
The titles of the different pages.
Some quotes and muses to place thru out the site.

I hope to share some sneek peeks with some folks soon!


Getting a second website!!!!!!!!!

My goodness I am having a blast with this new website! I have given myself a few good headaches but they are going to be worth it in the end! LOL

That is the URL of the new site. I am so excited!
Its going to be for my articles that I have already written and want to submit to other places. Its also going to house some short stories that you all have never seen or read yet!

Trying my hand at getting it all up and running myself and WOW...that has been quite the trip so far. All you "uber techs" have me bowing at your feet! I have spent a few days spinning my heels in the dust!


Back on Track......

Ok so I have had a bit of rough week keeping my thoughts straight. Let alone trying to write about them. I have regrouped and hopefully things will start to fall into place like they are supposed to.
The weather is grey and overcast today. I am hoping it gets darker and darker and just pours!
Our well is soooooooo low right now its scary! Bring on the rains!
I have a few dolls to send over to FOA(
Have a couple more to finish and get up on my own website as well.
Be on the lookout! heehee


Monday, September 05, 2005

Carm was such a sweetheart and created this fantastic graphic for us to all use on our websites to express how sad and upset we are about the hurricane disaster:(
Sadly it effected more friends of mine then I like to think about.


I am donating 25% of my dolls sales to the RED CROSS!


Dylan Window

This is one of the front windows. The lady that runs the place sells antique clothes.
Oddacity is the name of the store and Zoë Knorek-Onysko is the owner. She is quite the lady as you can tell from how she painted her shop!


I guess they like BOB DYLAN!

We had Jesse in our car and when the other headed home, we sort of went on a bit of a road trip around Bear River. This is a building right downtown that has been painted with bright colors. Its also covered with Bob Dylan song lyrics! Jesse's mom is a huge fan so we took some pics! heehee


Swimming in September! NUTS!

The weekend weather had been sooooo hot that they talked me into swimming! LOL We had talked about this swimming hole before but none of them had ever been.So off we went and once we arrived and I felt the sun beating I went too! Even though I didn't have my bathingsuit! heehee Just wore my shorts and shirt in.

The water was NOT near as cold as I thought it would be. We swam for about an hour and then headed home. Very refreshing!


Inside the shop.........

There were a few more inside the shop that were really nice. The smell of leather is almost intoxicating! LOL I loved the paint job on the one in the background....when the paint was wet, plastic wrap was laid on and then peeled away for the effect!
This red one was real sharp looking too.
I love going to Sean's shop.....its so cool! I always seem to see something different each time I go there. I'll have to get looking thru the books and see what can be ordered up for me! heehee



This is Aimish's(son) bike that Sean built and there is something on it that was the first one in Canada but I can't remember what they told me it was! LOL I will have to ask again and then edit my post to tell you all!


Mix of BIKES!

This is the bike that Sean made for Sue(his wife)


Smell the leather! S&S Custom Cycle

Spent the weekend over to our friends place. The log cabin house that I already blogged about. The gang came down from Halifax and we had a great fire in the pit. Roasted marshmallows and the works. A great time by all.
Sean runs a Harley Shop so thought we'd take some pics of the bikes that were around this weekend. I didn't get a chance to ask Sean for a ride(as it was crazy all that we were jamming into a few days!) but I will before they are all put away for the winter.
