Saturday, July 21, 2007
BTAE ~ A Featured eBay Group!!!

Prim Auctions

Believe~ A Simple Primitive Doll
You can find this simple primitive doll on my website right now!!!!!!!
An array of primitive dolls is there to greet you!
Air guitars....always in style, right???

Deborah Sponagle-Taylor

I met this amazing artist at the craft festival!!!
Every morning I'd be sitting at my booth and she would come down and talk with me. She loved my creations and was just such a kind soul. She put you to ease right away.
On Saturday, I walked around the show so that I could find her booth and take a peek at what she does. WOW! I was really blown away!!!!!
She is a painter that paints "maritime" scenes on pieces of old fishing ships and such. ITS INCREDIBLE! The details that she has in her work.....just capture you when you look at them. You can practically smell the salt air around you.
She has a website for you all to check out as well! So make sure you stop by and take a peek. Tell her that Thru the Attic Door sent ya over!!!
Lunenburg Craft Festival 2007
Once again I took part in this craft festival with my sister. All the venders were in one building this year instead of two. The crowds were there but not as many shoppers as many of us would have liked! LOL
We again had a mix of my dolls and critters. My sister did primitive stitchery signs, pillows and painted objects.
I did sell a nice number of things but it was my sister that did the best this time. She even managed to sell one of her painted milkcans and she was thrilled!
Lots of folks took my business card and even when I ran out of those.....I was still giving out scraps of paper with my info! Lots of folks should be checking out the website and this blog! LOL
Loving this Kitty Photo!!!
Primmart has a new look!!!

Primmart has just come out with a brand new look for the website and community board. I am really loving what it looks like. The community has all sorts of wonderful new features and its been so much fun "playing" with them! LOL
If you haven't gone over to http://www.primmart.com yet and joined the best community devoted to all things Primitive....... you need to ask yourself......
Thursday, July 19, 2007
We have 8 hummers at our place this year! You can see them thru the large picture window out back.....zipping back and forth. At least 2 of them are this years babies as they are MUCH smaller then the others. Poor Buttons Kitty is near insane from talking to them and watching them dart around the feeder! LOL
They have inspired me to do some sketches.....I haven't done anything like this in ages. Might have to make some tags for a doll to hold! LOL
Hannah at Sherbrooke Village

This picture was taken there and we all just love it!
My friends are not subtle!!! LOL
Finally I was like.....what are you talking about? Canada Day was ages ago.
They laughed and said I KNOW!
So subtle!