Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Antique Wooden Spools

On my last trip to Kansas City, MO to attend Primmart's Convention, I was lucky enough to score some antique wooden spools. I'd seen them in jars before in snapshots that folks shared of their prim styled homes. I wanted some. I really had no idea what I was going to do with them once I had them...I just knew I wanted some.
While checking out all the glorious antique shoppes with some Primmart sistas....SCORE! Inside a shop filled to the brim with just about everything you could imagine from every era that comes to mind...... was a shelf along the floor that held about a dozen very large glass jars. Inside the jars were these spools.
Sherry of and I freaked!LOL
She and I split the jar full of goodies as there were so many in the jar. I've now had them over a year and have just recently brought them out again to start looking at. I have a few ideas for them that I hope will come to fruit soon.
I promise to post pictures!
Hey Sherry.....what did you do with your spools??? heehee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cedara - I have a bunch of antique wooden spoools too - love them. What I did was wrapped some jute twine around the spools and finished with a homespun tie, sprayed with some prim spray, and have them together in an antique basket. They look neat . . I'll have to take a pic and post on PM sometime :) ~Stacey