Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Have you ever known that someone was meant to be in your life?? That is exactly how I feel about Sherry in mine.

Sherry of AnniesCupboards is beyond a wonderful friend. I remember joining the Primmart community and for months just lurking and reading posts. I thought that I had gotten in over my head and these talented ladies were going to see me as a crafting fraud! LOL

Sherry's posts always drew me in. I was entranced by her doll creations. OH MY GOSH....can this gal sew! Each one of her little dollies just speaks to you. We started posting to each other on the forum. We started sending emails to each other. Want to know something funny? I have the first email that Sherry ever wrote me printed out and saved in a journal! heehee I couldn't believe that I was starting a friendship up with her.

The more time passed between us, she and I were beginning to see we really had lots of things in common. My day always has laughter and joy when I hear from her or read something she had posted on the forum.

The next thing I knew..... I was meeting her in person! OH MY GOSH! I went to the Primmart Convention twice and have been blessed to see her there. That first year, I was pretty sure I was nervous enough about meeting her that I was going to toss my cookies! LOL We just CLICKED and its been so incredible.

I can go to her about anything that is happening in my life and she is right there for me. I can be stuck at a creative road block and she pushes me in another direction with a few good giggles and a slight shove. We have cried together. We have laughed till we cried too.

She blesses my soul with her friendship! Go stop by her website and see what fantastic new dolls she has managed to whip up to amaze us all. She sells patterns too so you can create your own version of her sweet little gals. Send her an email and just tell her that you needed to say HELLO to a wonderful person today that just by being HERSELF alters my life forever! I love ya Sherry!

Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of


Jodi June said...

I know the BOTH of you and count myself just as blessed.

anniescupboards said...

I am so blessed to have you as a friend. I am totally crying at 9:08 this Sunday morning reading this. GIRL i love you! I am so happy we have meet and SO HAPPY we are friends. FOREVER girl! You fill my heart and I need more of it! OXOXXO

Anonymous said...

I have that same friendship with my friend Sandy. I met her on a forum (P&R) and then met her twice when I went to America. I am going back in 8 weeks to see her again. In 5 months I will have been there 3 times!!!! I am getting for knowing her though.