We all do it! eat too much food over the holidays. We had lots of company so that meant lots of food to nibble and indulge in.
Well playing outside with the nieces and such, I noticed a big difference in my body.
I am dusting off my threadmill and going to get back into walking again. Got a new MP3 player to listen to while on there. I had been doing pretty good so I hope it won't take me long to get back into that routine.
Primmart Convention 2009 is happening in May and I'd love to lose some inches before the gals all see me again! heehee Good incentive!
Once I get walking for awhile then I am going to mix in some pilates as well. I found all my Pilates dvds and my mat. I'm excited and ready.
Wonder where my measuring tape is???
Can't start a plan without knowing my measurements..... always modivates me more to see the inches coming off! yippeeeee