Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Primitive Folk Art ePatterns

I am finally able to come up for a bit and catch my breath. Now I am well aware that this wouldn't have happened if I had been creating patterns as a design came out. Why I thought it was easier to do a batch of them at once is beyond me. I will say this though..... these primitive folk art downloadable patterns sure do bring a smile to my face and I hope to yours.
Look at all that has been made into an ePattern just waiting for you to order and download.

All of these primitive folk art epatterns for raggedy dolls, fox, witch and so much more can be found here

Thru the Attic Door at Patternmart

All are $5US each and will instantly arrive in your inbox once you pay :)



T.Bacon said...

Good to see you creating your dolls again. I love them! :-)

Tracy of From Inside My Studio said...

Thank you!
Busy creating dolls and finally making a few of them into new patterns

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Have always loved your dolls, glad your creative juju is at work ~*~Lisa

Tracy of From Inside My Studio said...

Thank you so much!