My day started as usual with emails, spam and my Facebook addiction.While playing one of a million games of Lexulous, I multi-tasked and opened a message from Stace. Next thing I know I'm breathing into a paper bag while the room spun around me.
She'd been chatting with some different writer friends of hers and they'd brainstormed about a humor blog that is Erma-esque in style but brought into the 21st century that they were calling An Army of Ermas.
Was I in?
Before I could give it a second thought I wrote back HECK YEAH and hit the send button.
Then frantically sifted thru my cluttered desk and found my trusty paper bag ....in......out.....in....out....in...
Stacey is an incredible writer and from what I've laughed at already, knows some crazy fun gals.
I'm honored she thought to include me in this new adventure.
We are making midnight margaritas - and I need to gather more ice and limes so have to run.
Stop by and say hello! We'd love to have you find a giggle or two.
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door and Thru the Attic Door2