Sunday, October 21, 2007
More....... Popo Leboy
Wicked Karma

Primitive Angel Doll EPattern ~ Instant Download!

Primitive Angel Doll EPattern
This primitive Angel doll is so simple to create. She will look great hanging in your home
Price: US$5.00

Had a few different folks asking about this pattern so thought I would add it into my blog for you all to access as well. You are able to instantly download the Angel Doll EPattern as soon as you have paid for her thru PayPal.
Happy Birthday Hannah! ~Oct 17th!
I adore your spirit.
You laughter makes my soul smile.
I am forever blessed to have you in my life.
My "Little Red".
I love you!
Your first 10 years have taught me so very much and I look forward
to the many other lessons you shall teach my heart.
Primmart Online Craft Show
Primmart is hosting another wonderful ONLINE Craft show and I am happy to announce that I am taking part in this one. I have been busy creating special dolls that hopefully you will fall in love with.
Look for Thru the Attic Door! Lots of wonderful surprises!
October 24 - November 7 2007
Popo Leboy

"Strong melodies ... can't remember the songs or the titles but I remember strong melodies, stuff that my dad used to listen to ... it was peaceful music, sweet, it sounded like Harry Belafonte, with an Carribean flavour .. in one of those songs the chorus used to be "amigo, amigo, amigo" beautiful song lol .... and also instumental music ... same as traditional music from my country that my mom used to play ..."~ Popo Leboy
"ZPN is my cousin ... so I met Lynx through another buddy musician ... we started by jammin' ... me on the bass and him on the guitar ... then he met ZPN through me and the rest is history ... "~Popo Leboy.
It's always been a plan .. but the trigger came when I realized that I was putting a lot of energy and talent on stuff that were not necessarily coming back to me or me not not getting the proper recognition, u knowow, just being in the shadow of other people .. so I had to confront my fears and make the big jump .. very happy that I did that ... should have done it before, but hey, everything will have its own timing .. so I guess the time was right."~Popo Leboy
The feel, the vibe ... the songs come from what I call the D Channel or divine network ... we are all logged in to it, and we download stuff such as sounds, melodies, lyrics etc ... the chorus of my song "The Way of the Groove" came straight from a dream ... I woke up right away and wrote it ... the original song was in French ... I wanted to do an English version but didn't put my mind into it yet .. and it came by itself in a dream :) ... so I'm only being a doorway from the divine, I leave my heaven gates opened and let songs come through and the recording is only the materialization of what's already there ...
Do you write your own songs? If you do, where do you find your inspiration?
yes I write my own songs ... inspirations, well, see previous answer ... and I should add that sometimes an instrumental will tell u the words .. some words come out on their own to match a melody or vice versa ... but sometimes I also decide that I wanna write on a certain subject such as sex, love, or specific subjects in the human affairs etc ... and then let my spirit download what I need ...
kind of ... there is music in my family for sure .. it comes from my mom ... she always sang and still sings all the time .. at home at church etc ... I have a little brother who's in music as well in Europe ... a little sis who flirted with music a lot .. but now works for the world bank in Brussels ...
well bass just came to me as an obvious thing ... I think that even while being a kid, I always picked on the bass lines while listening to music ... I also play percussions ... used to play drums but lack practice big time now ...
What style of music do you listen to in your home?
Brazilian jazz, bossa nova, latino jazz, salsa stuff, instrumental music, lounge music, Zairean music (or Congolese music since Zaire is now called the Congo) old school stuff that includes Michael Jackson etc ...
Name 3 artists that influence your style.
Bebel Gilberto (brazilian) and various brazilian artists, Various artists in zairean music, various artists in urban/soul/neo soul stuff, some great french lyricists such as Joe Dassin, Serge Gainsbourg etc ... the influences are pretty wide .. but again I don't rely on them when I write or compose. I guess it's what comes out of me ... a combination of my background, upbringing, and the melting pot of different cultures and life experiences that I have within myself ... I lived in a lot of different countries, I speak 5 languages, I guess I have multiple download sources ... LOL
What do you want folks to come away with when they listen to your music?
I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek....or I guess the right term would be sneak a few of the songs. He is in the midst of recording more and I look forward to hear those as well. The ones I have heard, I've enjoyed greatly.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sassphisticated! ~ where Hip woman shop!

Curve ball
So slightly off track for awhile while I dusted myself off......
GET COMFY....... I'm about to catch you up on my life! LOL
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
An Addiction of Mine...... PURSES!

Don't you just LOVE this purse?????
A really good friend of mine made it!She is making all kinds of wicked ones and is going to be launching a website for them!
I am so excited, I am shaking! She and I have already been in touch about a special purse for me! heehee
So make sure to keep your eyes on my blog....when she is ready to open the new site....I will be shouting LOUD for all you fellow purse lovers to hear!
ON EBAY as thrutheatticdoor........ look for my creations by typing
Beneath the Attic Eaves(BTAE)
Also found at
Needle Punch Sunflowers
OH MY GOODNESS! My pal Susan has once again shown us what beyond wicked things you are able to achieve with punching!!!
Aren't these sunflower pins mindblowing?
She was the first gal that I knew that did needle punching. I have asked her so many questions as I tried my hand at this artform. She is such an inspiration as her creations are so unique. Susan always thinks "outside the box" and it really makes you want to try something new and be just as creative.
She is a true inspiration to many in this artform and I look forward to watch what she creates next.
ON EBAY as thrutheatticdoor........ look for my creations by typing
Beneath the Attic Eaves(BTAE)
Also found at
Heartache for a friend
Our hearts break for our friend Cheryl as she has had to bury her nephew.
He was only in his 20's and fighting the demons of drugs. Cheryl had already lost Caleb's mother (her sister) to a drunk driver a few years ago.
To help raise the money for the funeral and to help the family he left behind....she has been hosting sales on
This sales are incredible and you are sure to find something that you just must have.
We all love you sweet friend!
May your heart mend and no longer cry!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
A Thousand Splendid Suns

Round Barn
On the drive back home as we went thru the Granville area, we went past this barn. Both of us made the comment on how cool it would have been to take a picture of. Then we both laughed and made a uturn! LOL
This barn has been there for as long as I can recall and I think this is the first time I took pictures of it. I just think its so peaceful looking.
Road Trip with Pam
Apple Season in Nova Scotia
When you step outside and take a deep breath, you can smell the apples that are in the orchard!!!!
This is the start of my favorite of the seasons. The air is crisp and you sometimes need to wrap yourself under a blanket or in a wool sweater.
The trees along the valley are hanging low and heavy with wonderful apples.
Mmmmmm The need to make an Apple Crisp is just around the corner.
Do you have a favorite apple? Do you like to bite right into the side of a fresh picked apple? Do you make apple pie and serve it with a large scoop of french vanilla ice cream?
The Middle Name Game~ I was tagged to play!
I've been tagged for the Middle Name Game. I've also tagged 6 others, so if you've been tagged here is what you do . . . .Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
My middle name is NICOLE
N = Naughty! heehee (Oh like I could have chosen any other word!LOL)
I = Inquisitive..... always interested in expanding myself about the world and people
C = Carnival.... never been able to say my life is boring! LOL
O= Open-Minded and yet Opinionated! LOL(I had to use both!)
L = Laughter....... anyone I've ever met knows how important laughter is to me.
E= Enlighten........ if I am able to share something of my own life story so that it aids another..I will
I'm tagging . . . .
Friday, August 24, 2007
Lets Play Along
1. where is your cell phone? in Eric's car as he's heading to Halifax for the weekend
11. what aren't you good at? biting my tongue! LOL Ask anyone!
12. muffins? fresh baked blueberry
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Bridget Bishop ~ by RKCreations

Bowls and Annies

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Primitive Crafting Tutorials
New things are being added all the time and it is so awesome to hear feedback on the folks who have tired one of our crafting tutorials.
Something to learn for everyone!
From hand drawn eyes like pictured below that I've created step by step instruction how to use turning different primitive stain altered anything you can imagine really!
The PrimMart Learning Center Staff is working very hard to make this the ultimate place for all crafters to check out. Have you been there yet???
What are you waiting for?
ON EBAY as thrutheatticdoor........ look for my creations by typing
Beneath the Attic Eaves(BTAE)
Also found at
Blog Challenge ~ part 2

That is another collection that I have and just can't stop myself from adding to it. My father and grandmother both have an extensive collection. When my grandmother sold her home, her collection was broken up amongst the family members. I chose the amber bottles from her and my sister got to have all the blue ones. My collection also include such finds as this rare perfume bottle with the old fashioned label still on. Small pharmacy bottles in my collection as well..... blue poison bottles being my fave to find!
Antique bottle come in every shape and size. Seeing them clustered on a shelf or displayed in a window.....just makes me smile.
ON EBAY as thrutheatticdoor........ look for my creations by typing
Beneath the Attic Eaves(BTAE)
Also found at
Blog Challenge #1 - Show your collection

I collect a few different things and couldn't narrow it down to just one thing. So I am actually going to share 2 of my faves with you.........
Oh how I adore this holiday and all the fun that comes with it. I have just a small amount of my collection showing in this photograph. I always had such a hard time with packing it all away for another year that I opted to find a way that I could display special aspects year round.
I asked Eric's father if he would make me a bookcase. He is so very talented and I knew he'd make me something amazing. When I told him that I needed a bookcase shaped like a coffin.....he rolled his eyes and laughed at me....but he built it!LOL
It makes for quite the conversation piece!!! LOL
ON EBAY as thrutheatticdoor........ look for my creations by typing
Beneath the Attic Eaves(BTAE)
Also found at
Saturday, July 21, 2007
BTAE ~ A Featured eBay Group!!!

Prim Auctions

Believe~ A Simple Primitive Doll
You can find this simple primitive doll on my website right now!!!!!!!
An array of primitive dolls is there to greet you!
Air guitars....always in style, right???

Deborah Sponagle-Taylor

I met this amazing artist at the craft festival!!!
Every morning I'd be sitting at my booth and she would come down and talk with me. She loved my creations and was just such a kind soul. She put you to ease right away.
On Saturday, I walked around the show so that I could find her booth and take a peek at what she does. WOW! I was really blown away!!!!!
She is a painter that paints "maritime" scenes on pieces of old fishing ships and such. ITS INCREDIBLE! The details that she has in her work.....just capture you when you look at them. You can practically smell the salt air around you.
She has a website for you all to check out as well! So make sure you stop by and take a peek. Tell her that Thru the Attic Door sent ya over!!!
Lunenburg Craft Festival 2007
Once again I took part in this craft festival with my sister. All the venders were in one building this year instead of two. The crowds were there but not as many shoppers as many of us would have liked! LOL
We again had a mix of my dolls and critters. My sister did primitive stitchery signs, pillows and painted objects.
I did sell a nice number of things but it was my sister that did the best this time. She even managed to sell one of her painted milkcans and she was thrilled!
Lots of folks took my business card and even when I ran out of those.....I was still giving out scraps of paper with my info! Lots of folks should be checking out the website and this blog! LOL
Loving this Kitty Photo!!!
Primmart has a new look!!!

Primmart has just come out with a brand new look for the website and community board. I am really loving what it looks like. The community has all sorts of wonderful new features and its been so much fun "playing" with them! LOL
If you haven't gone over to yet and joined the best community devoted to all things Primitive....... you need to ask yourself......
Thursday, July 19, 2007
We have 8 hummers at our place this year! You can see them thru the large picture window out back.....zipping back and forth. At least 2 of them are this years babies as they are MUCH smaller then the others. Poor Buttons Kitty is near insane from talking to them and watching them dart around the feeder! LOL
They have inspired me to do some sketches.....I haven't done anything like this in ages. Might have to make some tags for a doll to hold! LOL
Hannah at Sherbrooke Village

This picture was taken there and we all just love it!
My friends are not subtle!!! LOL
Finally I was like.....what are you talking about? Canada Day was ages ago.
They laughed and said I KNOW!
So subtle!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Paperclay Doll by Primkinfokes
Fairy Pattern~ Back Porch Pickens

Wee Fairy Folk
~William Butler Yeats, "The Land of Heart's Desire," 1894
I have always loved the poetry of Yeats and this is a quote that always makes me smile. Maybe its the summer breeze that whips around me and whispers in my ear as it goes by...... but you can tell the Faye Folk are close.
Have you ever spread a quilt under the shade of an old oak tree and watched the clouds float above? Your arms folded under your head. The shadow of the leaves flitting across your face.
Catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye?
Maybe.....just wasn't a bird flying up high. Maybe a wee faye folk took a quick peek at you!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Basket of Fabric
When I go to Eric's place on weekends......sometimes I bring my sewing stuff with me to work on. I hated dragging my fabrics as it was all jammed in a big suitcase and it was always too much. When I was at the Primmart Convention in Kansas City MO, I got myself this basket! Its made by the Amish and its got a divider in the middle. Its a basket for holding magazines but as soon as Eric pointed it out to me...I knew what I'd be storing in it!
Makes bringing my craft with me much easier!
All Dressed up
and of course I still love dressing him up! He doesn't care.....long as he gets treaties when its all over!
Fou Kitty!
I'm always getting asked about Fou kitty so I thought I'd post an updated picture of him. I took this last weekend while I was at Eric's place. He was sitting on the edge of the table purring....hoping he was going to get me to give him more treats while Eric was out of the room.
Leo! and his music
We have also been doing alot of catching up on what each of us has been doing since we saw each other last. One of the guys that I'm in touch with again is my friend Leo.
My memories of him are fully connected to dancing and music.
Leo mentioned he was "still into some music" and sort of left things at that. Well come all know me better then that...... I went searching for more info! LOL
Well knock me over......... my boy has got some talent! LOL
He is part of "Afro Connexion" and you can find more out at the following link:
My friend Leo goes by the name " LB4Life". He's the hottie on the left! LOL
(The website is in French but there are lots of pics to see if you can't read french)
They recorded an album and went on to win "Best New Group" at the French Junos in Canada.
The group toured all over Ontario.
Then one of the members started solo and he goes by ZPN.
ZPN has released 2 albums with the band touring with him.
New album is being recorded now for Afro Connexion and Leo is also working on his own solo album. Its been awesome to see that he has really been doing great. I'm enjoying the music that I've been able to hear already. Leo is sending me their cds soon...... he's made me some promises so we'll have to see if he can keep them! LOL
There is much more but this is the condensed version. I write a blog not books! LOL
I'm going to showcase 2 videos next. Even if you can't understand the still talks to your soul. . You are going to find yourself singing outloud to the words you do catch and remember!
I look forward to hearing much more from Leo and his friends.
Painted Doll Eyes
Ever wonder how to do them? How to paint the eyes like you are seeing on so many of the primitive styled dolls right now?
You won't have to wonder much of the first tutorials I created for the Primmart Learning Center was on how to do them!!!!
There will be a step by step on hand painting doll eyes.
A step by step on hand drawn eyes with colored pencils.
And then a step by step on doing the 3d fabric eyelids as well!
Special Surprises from Wales!
Leanne Aucoin!!

I have very talented friends! LOL
"A native of Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, Leanne Aucoin began playing music at an early age. As a child, Leanne received lessons from wonderful teachers in her community and also attended the summer sessions at the Gaelic College in St. Ann's, Cape Breton. She is now an instructor at the college during the summer months teaching fiddle, Cape Breton piano accompaniment, and step dancing. She is currently teaching music lessons and is employed with the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board as a substitute music teacher. She continues to perform at various venues in Cape Breton and has also performed in other parts of the Maritimes, the US and Ireland. In late 2006, Leanne released her debut album, All Set, a traditional album featuring Tracey Dares MacNeil and Dave MacIsaac and also members of her family."
What a sweetheart she is! When Jesse told us she had put out a CD, I couldn't wait to get one! I love to put it in my cd player and listen to it while I sketch. The emotion that she can bring out with her music is spellbinding. I find myself escaping thru her music often.
Here is a link so that you too can have her fiddle sing to your soul!

Creative Dept. Assistant on Primmart
Primmart continues to create an amazing place in the world of Primitives and I now have become part of the staff! heehee I was sooooo excited!
" Creative Dept. Assistant: Cedera (Tracy) Dunn"
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn stumbled across the world of Primitives about 5 years ago now; wrapped herself in homespun; and has never looked back. Primmart rapidly became a second home to her and she couldn't be more blessed. She was asked to be a writer for Beneath the Willow Tree and that experience has been astounding.On her website, Tracy(Cedara) creates for you a collection of OOAK Primitive raggedy dolls and critters in grubby homespuns as well as vintage fabrics! Stained for a perfect prim look and feel! She also writes a primitive blog that has quickly gathered quite the following.She looks forward to her next adventure....... in making Primmart's Learning Center.... the ultimate place to discover Primitives; how to create them.....and so much more!"
My Texas Dolls
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Stunned Silence and Sheer Sadness
I faintly "knew" her mother as she is a fellow primitive artist and in this world, you sort of bump into each other the longer you are here. Her daughter became ill and she started writing a blog to let all know the progress. Another brought the story to my attention and I started reading and wanting to know all that I could about this wonderful young woman.
A few different times I posted on Primmart and other forums asking for strength and prayers for this amazing family during their struggle.
Please...... go and read her blog.
Let this amazing family touch your soul.
Let Brianna's Spirit lift you.
There are going to be some INCREDIBLE auctions created very soon in memory of this amazing young lady who was taken so early. Please make sure to go and bid on an angel!
ON EBAY as thrutheatticdoor........ look for my creations by typing
Beneath the Attic Eaves(BTAE)
Also found at
Friday, June 08, 2007
Ok...... ME!
Today was my birthday!

Ok..... I know already that I'm going to hear that I should have placed a picture from TODAY! LOL But I can't help it...I love this pic of me on my 2nd birthday! heehee
Look at those fat cheeks and blonde hair!
Today was my 36 birthday! I know many folks stop celebrating after a certian age. I love my birthdays. There was a time in my life that I wasn't always sure I'd see my next birthday. So each one that comes to me now...I embrace with a smile.
It was a low key birthday this year. Homemade pizza for my birthday supper. Something simple. No need for fancy food on my birthday! LOL And this year instead of a cake.... tried DIBS. Little pieces of ice cream covered with chocolate. YUM! Oh they were good!
I really have a serious thing with loving chocolate right now so it was a very simple pick on my part. Lots of calls from family wishing me the best. My inbox was JAMMED full today with birthday wishes from my friends around the world. Each sent me funny ecards or quirky messages that soooooo made me laugh and smile.
It was a wonderful way to celebrate my day!! THANK YOU to all my friends and family who sent me their love today. I felt very special :)
Hmmmm...... so this one is over...... wonder what I can plan for my next birthday? Something simple again? Or maybe I should do something I've never done before for my next birthday? Course....its kinda tough to find something I've never done! LOL
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Make a Memory
Just a small piece of a song that is playing on the radio right now and that caught my attention.
(Its a new song by Bon Jovi)
Maybe its because I've been reconnecting with old friends and talking about different memories. Things that happened to us but seen thru different eyes. Most things so simple in life and yet marked each of us in different ways forever.
Don't let life pass you by.
Grab onto it!
Make memories that years down the road will be thought of by someone and make that person SMILE.
Prim Blessings!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Cinnamon! Nutmeg! Cloves! Mmmmmmm
Sure makes my room smell good too! LOL
I dream of cookies!
~My Witches Brew~That is what my family likes to call the stuff I use to stain dolls.I used to create it using tea. I made it with coffee one afternoon and have been hooked on the effect ever since.The kitchen sink or my big pot is what I make this all in.I boil a good couple of kettles of hot water.Take a 1/4 cup coffee and dump it into the boiled water.Take a long handled wooden spoon and stir carefully. Don't splash and burn yourself.I take a cheese cloth baggie and add the following...... cinnamon sticks that I have broken smaller; whole cloves; whole nutmeg that I have grated on the side of; anise star.This baggie steeps in the coffee mixture and adds a spicy scent to the coffee.I also add about 1/4 vanilla to the mixture.
I sometimes add ground cinnamon as well. This creates a "sludge" that you can paint onto your creations and when it drys....oh so very prim!
Prim Blessings!
I have been cutting so much fabric in the last two days.....I think I pulled a muscle in my hand!
When I move my thumb on my right hand....oh the pain!
So I iced it and am typing funny tonight! LOL
but I somehow managed in these two days to cut out....... 23 primitive dolls!!!!
Now I just have to sew and stuff them!
Prim Blessings!
Lost Art of a Hand Written Note

There is something almost "magical" about opening your mailbox and finding a note inside that has been written by hand. In this day and age of emails and contact by computers, I believe too many folks are missing something.
The creativity that can explode onto a blank piece of paper. Colored inks. Different pens. Ink drawings and sketches thru a note. Little pieces of yourself that you are sharing with someone important enough in your life that you sat down and picked up a pen.
I've always loved to write to my friends. Sure sending off a quick email is fine for the most part. But I like to sit down with my array of different papers. All colors and textures. A rainbow of pens and different inks. I even have a wax melter to seal the envelope.....just because I loved the look of it!
Who have you written to in the last while? Who did you make smile when they opened their mailbox and found your special envelope inside? If you can't think of anyone..... then don't you think it might be about time that you sat down at your desk and sent one to someone special?
Prim Blessings!
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of