Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tame a Raven??

Have you ever heard this folk tale?? If you shake salt onto the tail feathers of a crow or raven then it will become tame and you can keep it as your pet??
I have been thinking alot about Autumn and sewing some new fall gals to celebrate the season. When I saw this vintage postard I had to share it with you all. It makes me smile.
Then I remembered hearing that folk tale and really knew I had to share!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Attack of the Dust Bunnies

WOW.....its kinda funny how you think a place isn't quite as dirty as it is until you start cleaning and then the mountain of dust bunnies that start rolling around attacking your feet! I thought I would do a massive cleaning of my crafting space ( the corner of my bedroom that I use) so as to distract me from my grief. I am about half way thru and sooo tired! LOL How have I managed to let so much small clutter just pile up and take over that corner?! LOL
I found 2 pieces of fabric that I so thought I'd used that was a fun discovery. I think they will be the first things I craft with once I uncover my sewing machine again.
Hopefully that will happen tomorrow! LOL

Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door and Thru the Attic Door 2

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fou Kitty~ RIP July 2008

The last few days have been so very hard on my heart. We learned yesterday that Fou had become sick and Eric's parents had him put to sleep. (When Eric moved to the city to work, his folks kept looking after Fou for him) Fou began not acting like himself and then started vomiting blood. They took him to the vet and had him put to sleep. That happened last Tuesday and they told us yesterday. Eric and I were greatly upset and I was finding no closure to my grief. They had opted to not bring him home to be buried and had left him at the vets office. I cried myself to sleep last night.
Eric called me this morning to tell me he had spent almost 3 hours calling vets offices and had found Fou's body. It had been moved to a larger Animal clinic in Yarmouth. Animals are stored there until pick up from Mt.Uniacke where there is a Pet Cemetary for unclaimed animals. If I could get to Yarmouth, I could claim Fou.
My father drove me there right away. I was able to see him and show proof he was mine.
We brought him home and buried him in the yard. I can look out my bedroom window onto the bush that he now rests under. He was buried with a blanket and a can of tuna....that was his favorite treat.
I am going to miss Fou Kitty so very much!
He was never a cat to me....he was Momma's big boy~ xoxoxoxox
Thank you so very much to my friends for all their words of support.
Thank you to my family for everything they have done during this time of pain.
Thank you Eric.... for once again healing my very broken heart and soul.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thistles and Bees

Just a different snapshot of the thistles and the bees crawling all over them.

Can you hear the Buzz???

The front garden is ALIVE with the buzzing of bees! Bumble bees and honey bees are crawling all over these tall blue thistles we have there. Their legs and bodies are covered with the pollen.
The bees are so intent on gathering it all that you can get quite close to them....until you forget the front of your camera sticks out and you tap some of the bees on their butt while trying to get close! LOL
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of


To say that I am happy with how the container garden has done would be silly.....because I am beyond THRILLED! LOL
I have taken cuttings of the parsley and froze really doesn't take long to start taking over the barrel! LOL The oregano underneath started really sprouting and stretching toward the sunshine once it came out from under the shadow of the parsley.
The green peppers have little white blossoms and one actually has the beginnings of a pepper. It might not grow very large but I can't wait!
At last count.....this had 36 maters! OH YEAH!

My Garden

This is how my container garden was growing..... the tomato was starting to take off; the green peppers seemed stunted and well the parsely just seemed to have a life of its own.

Mmmm....Blueberry Pie

We have had a bumper crop of blueberries this year. I have never seen so many of them. They are really sweet too and so juicy. We've made muffins already and this pie turned out incredible!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Have you ever known that someone was meant to be in your life?? That is exactly how I feel about Sherry in mine.

Sherry of AnniesCupboards is beyond a wonderful friend. I remember joining the Primmart community and for months just lurking and reading posts. I thought that I had gotten in over my head and these talented ladies were going to see me as a crafting fraud! LOL

Sherry's posts always drew me in. I was entranced by her doll creations. OH MY GOSH....can this gal sew! Each one of her little dollies just speaks to you. We started posting to each other on the forum. We started sending emails to each other. Want to know something funny? I have the first email that Sherry ever wrote me printed out and saved in a journal! heehee I couldn't believe that I was starting a friendship up with her.

The more time passed between us, she and I were beginning to see we really had lots of things in common. My day always has laughter and joy when I hear from her or read something she had posted on the forum.

The next thing I knew..... I was meeting her in person! OH MY GOSH! I went to the Primmart Convention twice and have been blessed to see her there. That first year, I was pretty sure I was nervous enough about meeting her that I was going to toss my cookies! LOL We just CLICKED and its been so incredible.

I can go to her about anything that is happening in my life and she is right there for me. I can be stuck at a creative road block and she pushes me in another direction with a few good giggles and a slight shove. We have cried together. We have laughed till we cried too.

She blesses my soul with her friendship! Go stop by her website and see what fantastic new dolls she has managed to whip up to amaze us all. She sells patterns too so you can create your own version of her sweet little gals. Send her an email and just tell her that you needed to say HELLO to a wonderful person today that just by being HERSELF alters my life forever! I love ya Sherry!

Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of

Glitter Shakers

When I saw this idea I KNEW that I had to also do it! I thought it was brillant to place your glitter for craft projects inside of a wonderful antique salt shaker!!!!
I was always getting it all over the place and didn't like not having control of how much came pouring out of whatever container I was attempting to use for storage.
There are a few quaint antique shops in town that I am hoping to score a few shakers in! A shaker for each color glitter! heehee
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of

Inside my Prayer Wheel

Showing the paper scroll inside the Prayer wheel where the mantra has been written over and over.

Tibetian Prayer Wheel

The other evening I was talking with a friend and mentioned my Tibetian Prayer Wheel. He wanted to see a photo of it so I thought I would write about it here and share it with all of you as well.
My friends that lived in China for a few years brought it back to me and I treasure it greatly.(Thank you so very much Carole and Grant! xoxo) Large versions are very common in the Chinese countryside at the temples. A prayer wheel is a 'wheel' (Tibetan: 'khor) on a spindle made from metal, wood, leather, or even coarse cotton. On the wheel are depicted prayers or, mantras and symbols.
The rules surrounding the prayer wheels are very specific (although occasionally vary according to tradition). The practitioner must spin the wheel clockwise. This was determined because this is the direction the mantras are written. Before and after the practitioner turns the wheel, he or she must repeat the mantra, or no merit will be incurred by the wheels use. However, some traditions state that repeating a mantra simply (or greatly) enhances the effects of the prayer wheel, and just turning it has benefits and merits alone. Each revolution is considered like reading the inscription aloud as many times as it is written on the scroll. The wheel must not be spun frantically, but held straight (if a hand-held wheel) and turned smoothly with the motivation and spirit of compassion and bodhichitta (the noble mind that aspires to full enlightenment for the benefit of all beings).

They brought me back this Prayer Wheel, a Tibetian Singing Bowl, a white silk Prayer shawl as well as a set of Buddist prayer beads. My friends blessed me greatly with those treasures.

My new fave Yoga Pose

NO...that is NOT me doing the pose! LOL

Oh but how I am enjoying the full STRETCH this pose is giving my body. Its called the breastroke and its working muscles I didn't even know I had!

Gymnastics at Upper Clements Park

Pale Blue Wonder

There is a whole cluster of this plant growing behind the house. The petals are such a soft pale blue. They look so paper like as well.
Anyone know what flower this might be???

Hints of Sunshine

The bumble bee had just flown away when I snapped this pic....maybe I'll catch it next time LOL

Splashes of Blue

Planted all along the side of the house attracting an array of butterflies as well as bumble bees!

Behind the Blue House

Thought I would walk around the back of the Artisan's House at Upper Clements Park to share the gardens that are planted. I just adore working at this house! LOL

I am working on a new batch of primitive style dolls to bring with me on August 2 which is the next day I work there. Its going to be a LONG day for me that day! Working from 11am until 10pm..... Park After Dark! I best remember to bring a few novels that day to help pass time LOL


Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Custom Primitive Doll.....heading to Maine

I was asked to create a custom doll for a lady and here is the final result. I have to admit that once she started coming to life I really fell in love with her. Her little rusty colored braids so make me giggle!
I hadn't done this shape of doll in awhile and it felt good to make her again. I went ahead and cut out a few others that you will be seeing in the next few days!
Her new "mommy" in Maine is a wonderful lady and I am so happy to have had the chance to make her this doll.

Summertime Screen Tent

We can now sit outside and enjoy the breeze without being eaten alive by critters. Black flies and skitters are always so thick as we live out in the woods. Sitting outside for any length of time just wasn't able to happen.
We are going to place my hammock inside as well as some chairs. Up the road a guy makes picnic tables and we think we may invest in one of those too.
Game of Scrabble outside.....oh yeah!

Scrabble Tiles

My family LOVES to play Scrabble. Just one game is never seems right so we tend to play till we see Scrabble tiles when we close our eyes at night.
I found that we actually have managed to have a few games of it in the cupboard. You can only play one at a time though so I thought I would take the spare tiles and see what creative spark ignited within me!!!
I have been slowly gathering the different pieces I need to start playing. I am so very excited to share what has been created with you soon....very soon!

Another Strike Upon the Drum

Feel each strike of the drum as it is carried down over the mountains edge into the valley below only to then mingle with the sounds already playing by Mother Nature

My friend Trevor had posted these snapshots from out in British Columbia and I knew I wanted to share them with my readers.

Feel the Strike of the Drum

Follow the Stream

"Be soft in your practice. Think of the method as a fine silvery stream, not a
raging waterfall. Follow the stream, have faith in its course. It will go its
own way, meandering here, trickling there. It will find the grooves, the cracks,
the crevices. Just follow it. Never let it out of your sight. It will take you"
While talking the other day with a friend, I was reminded of that quote. Our path is laid out before us. Each of us has a steam to follow. We may take different steps. We may wander along the waters edge longer at times then others. Never will we be asked to go into deeper waters then we can truly handle.
Follow your Stream!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Purple Haze

Another view of the flowers on the fence line. The wild blueberries in the backgroun will be ready for picking within the next few weeks.

Flowers around the Yard

Flowers get planted on the white picket fence that separates a section of the front yard from the acres of wild blueberries we have growing.
These blooms looked so pretty on the day I was out snapping pics!

My Mom

Took this snapshot of my mom last month while walking around the yard with her. We had a bit of a hectic past weekend as she spent the night in the hospital.

We had gone up the valley to my Uncle's place for supper and to also meet up with Eric who was bringing some things down from the city that far.

While Dad and I traveled in his car to meet with Eric; Mom and Gramma traveled in their car and went right to my uncle's. When we finally arrived, Mom was looking not well. She was having pains in her abdomen and felt very sick to her stomach. She has had "knots" in her bowels before and said it felt like that was happening again. The closest hospital was just at the end of the street from where we all were....she was going!

They ran all kinds of tests and did a bunch of blood work on her. Not 100% sure what the problems was yet, they opted to keep her overnight. Dad drove my grandmother and I back home. My Aunt and Uncle kept us in the loop of what was going on thru calls during the evening.

My mother has had issues with her bowels before and we are always so nervous. She came within 2 hours of dying a few years ago when a section of her bowel burst and spread infection thru her body. It was a very scary time for us all. She ended up having a temporary colostomy while her body healed. That was reversed and we raced to panic mode as soon as she has any sort of pains now. So....she tends to fight the pain quietly till it becomes too much to hide from us.

She has had a stern talking to now! LOL She is home again and doing much much better. She is full of antibiotics and hopefully will be back on track very soon.

Thank you ALL who sent me messages, emails and called. xoxxoxox

Starting to grow!

I can't wait to be able to eat these! LOL

The first yellow bloom

I had a rough start to my little container garden....we got hit by frost twice and I had to replant a few things. I went out a few weeks ago to the sight of this little lone yellow bloom!
The fun has now started!

I've named it..... SID

At the Theme Park on our list of rules/instructions to follow for the Artisan's says... "Watch out for the Chipmunks"
The squirrels and chipmunks have become so used to people giving them little samples of whatever they might be snacking on in the park. We have benches in the back area of the house for folks to sit and rest awhile.
You will be inside sitting behind the counter and "hear" something in the hallway......yup...... its come inside to see if someone will feed it! It knows it really shouldn't be there as it sort of strains its little neck out to peek at you from the door frame. Ypou stomp your feet and he scurries back outside to the garden. Only to return again within the hour to peek at you and try again for a little morsal of whatever you are willing to share.
The other morning I arrived to the Artisans House for my shift. I unlock the doors and take my bags inside our little kitchen area. I then hang the signs out and write on the chalkboard todays message. I go back inside and am reading the messages from the days since I'd been in last.
FROM BEHIND ME.......I hear little feet scampering across the wood floor!!!
Sure enough.....a chipmunk has been inside the house all night long! The broom is in the room with him so I can't get him out that way. He is nervous to be inside that far! He is all over the place and I am trying my best not to scream or swear! LOL
I finally shake some papers at him and he races by me into the hallway. He notices the door is now open and scoots right into the awaiting gardens. I can then hear all sorts of chitter..... his family has been wondering where he spent the night! LOL

Thru the Glass

While wondering around the yard taking snapshots of whatever caught my fancy.....I heard a sound. Buttons Kitty was scratching on the glass trying to get my attention. Wondering how I managed to get outside without her I bet! heehee

I thought she looked so cute framed in the glass.

Wild Rose

The wild rose bush at the front window has grown so much over the years that it acts like a curtian. The roses no longer appear pink....they now all bloom in creams and whites.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Little Bit Rusty

Another of the newest primitive dolls that I've made for my display at Upper Clements. She sort of came to life slowly. I was moving some things around and found my jar of rusty nails. Hadn't done any dolls in awhile with a nail nose so gave her one. Which then lead to a rusty bell for an eye and the X for the other.
Her hair was a bit tricky as nothing I was laying down seemed to work. I then laid 2 different spun wools next to her and POOF.....she totally finished in my mind. I am so pleased with how she came out.
Her sweet doll pattern will ready very soon!

Sunkissed Gold

One of the newest primitive dolls that can be found at Upper Clements in my display. The spun wool was wonderful to work with and she makes me smile.
I am busy working on her doll pattern right now!

L.K.Yarns INC

Something as simple as what is used for hair on a doll can make a world of difference in her final outcome.

I have found an incredible spot to purchase my doll hair! I had been ordering online and getting wonderful stuff but really wanted to find a place in Canada that I could do dealings with.

On a trip to Halifax, I had Eric drive me around to a few places that I had done some searching for. With my fingers crossed I really hoped that one would turn out wonderful.

L.K.Yarn Inc

The Hydrostone Market

5545 Young Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 1Z7


This shop is on the far end of the Hydrostone Market and looks so tiny when you first glance at the doorway and window display. A sheep and such are painted on the glass and I just wasn't sure what to expect when I walked thru the door.

Opening the door, I heard the chime ring and my heart skipped a few beats! The array of yarns and wool that is in this shop is sheer heaven!(ok so that was a bad pun!LOL) Walking around the shop and trying to take mental pictures of it all to relish later on....oh my! The colors are like none I have seen before. I had an armful of wools in no time at all! LOL Eric was laughing at me as I would spring forth to yet another nook and come up with another color and a smile from ear to ear. Doll ideas were floating up at me as I ran my fingers over spun wool hanging on hooks.

If you are in the Halifax area.... stop in and escape for awhile in their midst!




Primitive Doll Display

When you arrive at Upper Clements Theme Park and come thru the main gate.....the big Blue House is right in front of you. You really can't miss it!
Walk thru the main door of the Blue House and my primitive doll display is in the very first room you come into. This wooden cupboard seemed the perfect display area for my dolls and creations. I am very pleased with how it all has come together. I enjoy sitting back at the counter and listening to the folks discover the display. Some people walk right by with not so much as a second glance. Others stop right in their tracks and start talking about the fabrics, the dolls hair, their expressions. I am very pleased to be taking part in this Blue House. Who knows what may come from it!

Upper Clements Theme Park ~ Nova Scotia

You can now find an array of "Thru the Attic Door" creations at Upper Clements Theme Park!!!
Was watching tv when the the phone rang. I didn't know I watched so much tv till all my stories start with me doing that! LOL
It was a lady that I didn't know and yet she'd heard of me and was calling to ask if I'd like to join them.
A group of crafters use this blue house at Upper Clements to showcase their handmade wares. They were looking to add some crafters to their mix and had been told about my primitive dolls.
I work there at the park one day a week and its been wonderful to have the "one on one" interaction with folks.
So if you are in the area....come check the Blue House out!

Yoga ~ Finding the Balance

I feel like I have just been wandering around the last while bumping into unseen walls. The sensation of being off kilter is too much. Need to refocus and I find the best way for me to do that is thru YOGA.
A friend shared snapshots of herself doing different yoga poses in her kitchen (Thank you Mary Linda xox) and it was just the gentle nudge I needed.
My mat has been dusted off.
I was reminded that big studio space was not needed. Instructors are great but not a must have.
As simple as a spot on the kitchen floor was perfect.
I am now ready to.... bring back my Zen!

The Calmness of Water

My friend Tammy had this photo in a mix that she and her family had taken back at their camp. I just thought it was such an interesting snap.....wanted to share!

Pocketful of Sunshine

Pocketful of Sunshine~ Natasha Bedingfield
This song is being played all over the radio here and I've fallen for it. I had to get this album to here the whole thing.LOVING IT!
A few years ago I was watching tv and an ad came on. You know how we tend to zone most of them out as lets's face it.....they can be so lame and nothing special.Not many make me think I need to jump off the chair and race into town to spend my money on whatever they were pushing.
This one ad had such a catchy tune playing in the background....I went around singing it for days! I just loved it and went online to see what I could find out about the song/ songwriter.
That was my first introduction to Natasha Bedingfield's songs and music. The ad was using her song "Unwritten". I have been a huge fan ever since! When this newest album came to light.....I have been loving all of it.
Just the perfect sound to have floating thru my creative space!
Go treat yourself!
Grab yourself a "Pocketful of Sunshine" today!